The Track

Science is boring and out of touch? With these events we prove the opposite! Whether artistic interventions, immersive lectures or lively bar evenings – there is a lot to experience in the city. Most of the events are in the evening and can be enjoyed well after work in your neighbourhood.

The Events


Wie können wir die Lernalgorithmen anpassen, damit sie uns helfen zu verstehen, wie Lernen in biologischen (unseren) Gehirnen funktioniert? Und können wir dann die Leistung künstlicher neuronaler Netze steigern, wenn wir sie aus Neuronen zusammensetzten, die sich biologisch verhalten?

Was ist Wachsen? Wie kann Wachstum nachhaltig sein? Wieviel ist genug? Bei den Science Notes berichten Forschende und Künstler:innen von ihrer Arbeit, Schriftsteller:innen erzählen Geschichten und Journalist:innen geben Einblick in ihre Recherchen. Das Musiker-Duo Ströme begleiten den Abend an ihren analogen Synthesizern.

CollActive Materials invites you to the closing of their first-ever exhibition »Airbound«, which showcases climate fictions and speculative everyday scenarios, developed in an open process by collaborators from society, science, and design.

Are you ready for an experiment? Let’s mix some weird science with even weirder improv. A team of Berlin’s best and funniest improv nerds will deconstruct a real scientific talk from a real scientific person.


Artist Katharina Ziemke will paint live a storm-lashed landscape on rice paper, accompanied by Sophie Marest and her fellow performers, who will conjure up the sound of a hurricane using everyday objects such as life blankets, paper, metal pipes, bells, kitchen utensils and other instruments.

This work-in-progress exhibition is a heartfelt tribute to mineral collections and its custodians – revealing their role in science, their curatorial practice, and the inherent value of minerals.

Wir bitten zum (Stadt)Gespräch: Im Rahmen unseres Citizen-Science-Projekts „Deine emotionale Stadt“ sprechen wir dieses Mal über Heimaten, Herkünfte und Zugehörigkeiten im städtischen Leben. 

Talk on Agroforestry, Music and Ecology inspired by John Cage’s 1975 “Child of Tree” for solo percussion using amplified plant materials.

The lectures on association in the context of image theory will evolve fluidly from linguistic lectures to sound art performances as each association unfolds.

In this fast paced, comedic and highly interactive show, you will control the infamous Large Hadron Collider. Whether we discover the Higgs Boson is down to you. You are the scientists. Can you hunt the Higgs?

Art Laboratory Berlin welcomes you to an artist talk with bio media artist Saša Spačal who will talk about her newly produced artwork TERRA XENOBIOTICA (2023) based on her current artistic research.

friedrichshain/prenzlauer berg

Under the motto ‘Dare to Know: Creative Science, Precise Art‘, we will highlight the fruitful interaction between artistic practice and scientific rigor, and the way in which it can create new ways of knowledge and understanding.

We are celebrating the grand opening of the ten-day FORUM and the vernissage of the 8 Tiny Galleries with a talk by the partners at the café at 18:00 and a guided tour through the exhibitions & Holzmarkt at 19:00.

Einstein-Professor Surjo Soekadar lässt die Zuschauer:innen in weit verzweigte Netzwerke voller Aktivität eintauchen und verdeutlicht, was passiert, wenn diese Aktivitätsmuster verändert oder unterbrochen werden. Und wie man sie wiederherstellen kann.

Junge Wissenschaftler*innen verlassen die Labore und Hörsäle und präsentieren eigene Forschungsprojekte im Planetariumssaal. Ihr Ziel ist es, die Herzen der Zuschauer*innen zu gewinnen, denn das Publikum bildet die Jury und wählt die beste Darbietung des Abends.

The Science of Rave collective will take you on a journey into the inner workings of club life! While heating up the dancefloor during a 2 hour House set by DJ Discotopian, you will hear various scientific and expert impulses shedding light on hidden aspects of the clubbing experience.