In this Deep Dive video Prateep Beed, senior scientist at Charité Neuroscience Research Center, Jochen Müller, neuroscientist and science communicator, Sergey Prokofyev, Dip. Ing. architekt and creative director at Studio Schwitalla, talk about the new project „Kopfkino” (German:„mental cinema”) that connects neuroscience, architecture and innovative science communication.

Navigating in space is one of the most crucial skills humans developed in the process of evolution. In the complexity of today’s world understanding how we interact with and feel in our surroundings may help us come us with better urban design. With the transdisciplinary project “Kopfkino”, the event series “Einstein in the Dome” brings the latest research and state-of-art visuals into the legendary Zeiss Planetarium in Berlin. The 360° full-dome experience is meant to illustrate the latest research in neuroscience on space navigation and immerse into the world of science and art.

The Deep Dive with Prateep Beed, Jochen Müller, and Sergey Prokofyev glances ahead to the public event ‘Einstein in the Dome: Project KopfKino‘ on Wednesday 2 NOV 2022 at 7 pm on-site at Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin. Find further information and how to book your spot here.