Ursel Biester
Ursel Biester
Ursel Biester


Ursel Biester


Ursel enjoys accompanying people in their personal and professional development and does so in her role as trainer, facilitator and coach. She studied adult education (MA) at TU Kaiserslautern as a long-distance study course, and creative business design and social innovation at the Kaospilot School in Denmark. She worked as a consultant for Design Thinking at a Berlin based company, supporting corporations in their innovation processes, has, as a freelancer, developed several self-study materials focusing on self-reflection, worked as a job-coach and then founded her own company Trekstones with which she is realizing EU-funded projects with a focus on transformative learning. Transformative learning theory is an educational approach concerned with understanding and facilitating profound change at both the individual and societal levels. As the UNESCO says: “Education should be transformative and allow us to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change our societies and care for the planet.” (https://en.unesco.org/themes/education-sustainable-development). Ursel agrees with this agenda and strives to contribute to it through her work.

Events with Ursel Biester

Fri | Nov 03, 2023 | 11.30 AM - 12.15 PM Berlin Time

How can we get to that Transformational Change for Sustainability?