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© Markus Spiske

How can we get to that Transformational Change for Sustainability?

Freie Universität Berlin ConTinuing Education Program | Ursel Biester

Find YOUR next step in your sphere of influence while gaining inspiration from innovative approaches in alignment with the SDGs

Join us for an engaging event focused on cultivating sustainability in your life!

Our intention is to inspire and empower you to seek ways to make at least one aspect of your life more sustainable. We’ll explore sustainability from both inner attitudes to outward behaviors, spanning micro and macro levels. We will learn about innovative approaches in professional as much as personal areas, using the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as our anchor for assessment. Our goal is for each participant to depart with at least one concrete idea for implementing positive change within their sphere of influence.


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS. Admission is free.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here.

About the Venue
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

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