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© Max Rech/Weizenbaum-Institut

Purple Code – Live at Berlin Science Week

Weizenbaum-Institut | Lena Ulbricht, Sana Ahmad, Bianca Herlo, Armaghan Naghipour

The Podcast on Intersectional Feminist Perspectives on Digital Societies in Conversation with Armaghan Naghipour

We are excited to invite you to the live recording of „Purple Code,“ a groundbreaking podcast that delves into intersectional feminist viewpoints on digital societies.

About the podcast: „Purple Code“ is a unique podcast that seeks to shed light on the intricate relationship between digital technologies and systems of oppression. Hosted by Bianca Herlo, Lena Ulbricht and Sana Ahmad, three female, migrant researchers from the Weizenbaum-Institute for the Networked Society in Berlin, the podcast uncovers the social implications of digital technologies that often go unnoticed. In each episode, they invite remarkable women and gender dissidents, including researchers, artists, activists, and journalists, to share their invaluable insights, experiences, and views on relevant socio-political issues. This way „Purple Code“ provides a platform for voices that are too often silenced, amplifying various forms of oppression, such as sexism, racism, colonialism, and more.

For this live podcast event, we are thrilled to have Armaghan Naghipour as our special guest. Armaghan is the deputy chairwoman of DeutschPlus, a lawyer specializing in migration and anti-discrimination law, and was most recently State Secretary for Science, Research and Equality in the State of Berlin. Prior to that, she held various advisory positions in Berlin state politics, including helping to draft Berlin’s state anti-discrimination law.


This is an in-person event. If you would like to attend, please register here.

Über den Veranstaltungsort
Grüner Salon in der Volksbühne
Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2
Berlin, Berlin 10178 Germany

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