Berlin Science Week is an annual science festival from 1 to 10 November that brings together thousands of people from the worlds of science, business, politics, the arts, and society at large.

Guided by the leitmotif “Dare to Know”, we partner with organisations from around the globe to showcase scientific excellence, promote debates on the world‘s major challenges, and find new, interactive, and fun ways to make science, research, and innovation accessible and engaging.

Each year, we bring together 150 organisations, 600 speakers and over 20,000 participants (both online and in person) to share knowledge, engage with one another and get informed about the latest scientific breakthroughs. 

Our focus is on exchange and reflection: the programme is based on interactive and often interdisciplinary formats ranging from panel discussions, workshops, exhibitions, to VR-experiences, film screenings, music installations and much more.

As versatile as our society

With each year we gain more brilliant organisations to share their work and invaluable knowledge through interactive, creative, and even experimental formats. 

We actively encourage and seek out inter- and transdisciplinary contributions, to showcase the diversity of approaches to and the complexity of science and the current challenges of our time. The participant organisations organise their contributions around one or several of our 11 thematic clusters:

  • Planetary Health & Sustainability
  • Tech & Engineering Innovations
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Future of Life & Work
  • Societal trends & Transformations
  • Discovering Earth & Space
  • Art & Science
  • Science Fun!
  • Open Science & Collaboration
  • Breakthroughs & Foresight
  • Learning & Working in Science

The event contributions are driven by topics such as climate protection and justice, a growing platform economy, advances in AI and machine learning, the future of food, an ever transforming urban society, prospects of digital healthcare, ideas for a circular economy, promotion of equality, a shift to sustainable building, support for science entrepreneurship and further matters, which also address what it means to learn and work in the scientific landscape.

Please visit our Get Involved page if you would like to participate in the 2023 edition of Berlin Science Week. 

Meet the Team

Who are the people organising Berlin Science Week?

We are a smaller team than you might think. We all come from different academic backgrounds, speak different languages and have varied interests. However, we all believe passionately that science is for everyone and should be accessible on the broadest scale possible. We bring our passion to Berlin Science Week and strive to improve it with each edition. 

An inspiring Science Festival

Berlin Science Week was established in 2016 on the backdrop of the international Falling Walls Science Summit, which takes place annually on 7–9 November in Berlin. The Summit honours the year’s best scientific breakthroughs and provides the stage to discuss solutions science may offer in combating the biggest challenges of our time. With renowned scientists and global leaders from politics, business and media in town, we sought to share the achievements, impulses and impacts created by the global science community beyond the walls of the Summit.

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