Ulrike Löber
Ulrike Löber
Ulrike Löber

Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine

Ulrike Löber


In my bachelors, I investigated fish that have mastered the ultimate ‘girl power’ move by reproducing all on their own – called parthenogenesis. From there, I waded through the mushrooming mysteries of phytopathogenic fungi in bioinformatics, took a detour to save our fuzzy friends by studying koala retrovirus, and finally landed at MDC, working alongside the genius of Prof. Dr. Sofia Forslund-Startceva. Now, I’m stepping onto the Soapbox Science stage to share the tantalizing tango between our guts, the stuff we consume, and our ever-so-complex brains. Prepare for a journey down the fascinating gut-brain axis!

Events with Ulrike Löber

Fri | Nov 10, 2023 | 06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Berlin Time

Parties: Food, Dance, Shots and…Science?