Ranjamrittika Bhowmik


Ranjamrittika Bhowmik


Ranjamrittika Bhowmik is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of European Ethnology, Humboldt University of Berlin. She is a scholar of cultural anthropology, literature, South Asian Studies, religion and philosophy. Her post-doctoral research at the Museum of Asian Arts, Humboldt Forum, explores the field of History of Emotions and ideas of individual value production through a museum audience, forgotten histories of museum objects, ideas of memory, biography of objects, decolonization, and intersectionality. She is currently making a research film on the Indian Goddess Durga, emotions in museums, colonial networks and forgotten histories.

Her doctoral research at the University of Oxford focused on a study of the Rājbaṃśī community in north-eastern India and their oral literature composed in the Rājbaṃśī lect, a living tradition largely unexplored by the academic community in India and beyond. Her research performs a diachronic study of esoteric yoga traditions in north-eastern India, through a common lineage of Buddhism and Hinduism. She is currently working on conserving, archiving, documenting and spreading awareness about intangible cultural heritage and oral traditions of highly marginalised rural artists of indigenous communities in Eastern India.

Events with Ranjamrittika Bhowmik

Sun | Nov 05, 2023 | 12.00 PM - 03.00 PM Berlin Time

The Power in/of Collections