Kriszta Kovács


Kriszta Kovács


Dr. Kriszta Kovács is a Senior Research Fellow at Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)” within the project Science Friction: Patterns, Causes and Effects of Academic Freedom Contestations and teaches at ELTE University, Budapest, as the UNESCO Chair for Human Rights. She has been a Senior Fellow at the WZB Center for Global Constitutionalism since January 2018. Previously, she was a Postdoc Research Fellow at the University of Trento. She worked for more than ten years as a Research Associate at the Hungarian Constitutional Court and as a Liaison Officer at the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe. Her main research interests are international relations and comparative politics, constitutional law, and academic freedom.

Events with Kriszta Kovács

Fri | Nov 03, 2023 | 02.00 PM - 03.00 PM Berlin Time

Erosion of Democracy? Academic Freedom and Right-Wing Politics in Europe