Henning Krause

Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres

Henning Krause


Henning Krause is Social Media Manager in the head office of Helmholtz Association. Helmholtz is Germany’s largest research organization. Henning founded two German-language SciComm Podcasts: “Raumzeit” (est. 2010 at German Aerospace Center, DLR) and “Resonator” (est. 2013), the Helmholtz Research Podcast. He is part of the voluntary project wissenschaftspodcasts.de and curates a mixed german podcast feed called “Wissenschaft auf die Ohren”. Henning advocates for open communication protocols. In 2018 he described his vision of an “Open Social Infrastructure”. Henning initiated the Helmholtz Mastodon instance Helmholtz.social as part of the Fediverse.