Antonio Mauro Saraiva

University of São Paulo (USP)

Antonio Mauro Saraiva


Antonio Saraiva is a member of the Planetary Health Alliance steering committee, and the head of Planetary Health Brazil, a consortium of Brazilian institutions, hosted at the Institute of Advanced Studies, University of São Paulo, USP. He is a full professor at the School of Engineering of USP (Escola Politécnica), and he was USP Vice Provost for Research, in 2014-2015. He has degrees in Electrical Engineering and in Agronomy, and a Doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering. His research has always been transdisciplinary involving computing engineering, agriculture, biodiversity, environment and sustainability. He has served other international organizations such as the IPBES-UN, FAO and TDWG.

Events with Antonio Mauro Saraiva

Mi | Nov 01, 2023 | 14.30 - 18.30 Berlin Time

Planetary Health: What can we learn from the multispecies city?