Lorena Junghans
Vanessa Marino
Vanessa Marino

Lorena Junghans

Lorena Junghans is an award-winning impact producer, recipient of the Friedrich-Ebert Scholarship, graduated with honors from Filmuniversity Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF, won the 2022 Bertha Foundation "Artivist Award" for their collaboration with Palestinian musician Rasha Nahas and was granted the STARTBÜRO – scholarship for founders. Currently, she’s a fellow of CIRCE (Creative Impact Research Centre Europe), part of the “Empower Now” incubator of Impact Hub, fellow of "mental health & wellbeing" by tbd* as well as a resident of SOAM. As an impact producer, Lorena leads a team of diverse freelancers, bringing their collective expertise to projects across music, film and virtual reality. Notable works include Biennale di Venezia winner, "From the Main Square."

Events with Lorena Junghans

Fri | Nov 03, 2023 | 01.30 PM - 03.00 PM Berlin Time

Transformative Governance in der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft