James A. Lott
James A. Lott
James A. Lott

Technische Universität Berlin

James A. Lott


Prof. Dr. James Lott – raised in Hawaii and California – has been a guest professor (of applied solid-state physics) at TU Berlin since 2012 – most recently as a primary investigator funded by the German Research Foundation (CRC 787). He has taught quantum, semiconductor, and nanophotonic physics, and has mentored, hosted, and supervised professors, postdocs and students at all levels. He was a visiting scientist at the NEC Optoelectronics Research Laboratory in Tsukuba, Japan in 1995 and at Samsung Electronics in Suwon, Korea in 1996. He performed research at Sandia National Laboratories (USA) from 1988 to 1993 and was a Professor at the AFIT (USA) from 1994 to 2006. He holds degrees in electrical engineering and computer sciences from the Univ. of California Berkeley (USA), and the Univ. of New Mexico (USA).

Events with James A. Lott

Wed | Nov 08, 2023 | 06.00 PM - 08.00 PM Berlin Time

Verleihung des Marthe-Vogt-Preises