LATER EDIT: Deadline extended to 01 September 2023

Berlin Science Week is offering a research grant to support international media representatives who would like to report on scientific topics related to the Berlin Science Week 2023. Reporting can take place before, during or after the Berlin Science Week (1–10 November 2023) with its numerous events on-site and online. The research grant aims to further strengthen the international public perception of Berlin as a location for scientific excellence and to contribute to the promotion of independent science journalism.

This year, Berlin Science Week offers two separate research grant programmes, digital and in-person, funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Higher Education and Research, Health and Long-Term Care and supported by the Brain City Berlin.

For the in-person participation, eight media representatives will be selected. Each of them will receive a research grant of €250 and a travel bursary of up to €750. The grantees are expected to participate in-person in the festival hub Berlin Science Week Campus at the Museum für Naturkunde and in the Art&Science Forum at Holzmarkt 25 (3–5 November 2023).

Six media representatives will be selected for the digital participation in the programme. They will each receive a research grant of €250, which will be awarded as a lump sum for digital research and reporting. The grantees are expected to participate in online events of the Berlin Science Week and the digital journalist programme.

Applications are open to international and German media representatives with a proven track record as a science journalist (freelance and staff writers). Applicants are expected to research and publish an article on a topic related to the programme of the Berlin Science Week (see below). There are no restrictions on specific media areas or the form of publication.

Please send your application documents in one PDF to by 31 July 2023, 23:59 CEST.


  • Cover letter and short research plan (1-1,5 pages long) on your preferred topic, including planned publication date and media contact. Those applying for the in-person programme must also include an article pitch (1-1,5 pages) connected to the Berlin Science Week Campus topic “Dare to Know: Our Narratives, Our Future”. The submission of the pitch is mandatory for the review process of the in-person candidates.
  • Please note: The subject of your reporting must be one of the event topics. See below for the complete list of the festival’s topics.
  • Short CV showing your journalistic career and – if applicable – journalism grants, awards, etc.
  • Max. three examples of your journalistic work within a field of science.

Contact person: Katharina Mikulcak, Coordinator Berlin Science Week Fellowship,

A jury of scientists and communications experts will choose and inform the successful candidates by 1 September 2023.

Travel to Berlin for the participants of the digital programme is not necessary. If digital participants would like to organize their own stay, the research grant already includes allowances for living and travel expenses and no further reimbursement will be made by Berlin Science Week.

For in-person participants travel to Berlin is mandatory. The grantees are responsible for organising their trip to Berlin, including travel and accommodation bookings and submitting the travel expenses in timely and orderly manner. Berlin Science Week cannot cover any additional travel or accommodation costs. Country-specific visa and travel requirements apply, please make sure to inform yourself before planning the trip. Berlin Science Week cannot act as an inviting organisation for visa application purposes.

There is no legal claim to the research grant. Applications received after 31 July 2023 will not be considered. Please note: In order to support a large number of science journalists, the scholarship is awarded only once per person. All those who have already received it can unfortunately not apply again.

The eighth edition of Berlin Science Week takes place from 1–10 November 2023. The science festival will include a diverse programme with about 200 in-person, hybrid and digital formats with topics ranging from multi-perspectives on tackling the current environmental and societal crises, highlighting, and discussing the importance of science engagement, showing recent progress in AI and quantum technologies to raising the question about multilateral and interdisciplinary collaboration in science and beyond. The complete festival programme will be published on 29 September at

The programme of the festival hub Berlin Science Week Campus at the Museum für Naturkunde will center around the topic “Dare to Know: Our Narratives, Our Future”. Here we bundle 76 interactive events on two days and expect over 10 000 visitors. In workshops, panel discussions and exhibits, renowned scientists will discuss with the public how science and science-based decisions we make today can help shape a desirable future for all.

The Art&Science Forum has the motto: “Dare to Know: Creative Science, Precise Art”. Projects, initiatives and individuals working at the interphase of science and arts will showcase their work in exhibitions, performances, sound installations, stand-up comedy and theatre and challenge the public to develop an emotional approach to science.

In addition to these two locations, about 100 events will take place around Berlin and online during the 10 festival days. Cutting-edge science and innovative public engagement formats are guaranteed.

Please select up to three topics which you would like to cover from the list below:

  • Planetary Health & Sustainability
  • Tech & Engineering Innovations
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Future of Life & Work
  • Societal Trends & Transformations
  • Discovering Earth & Space
  • Art & Science
  • Open Science & Collaboration
  • Breakthroughs & Foresight
  • Learning & Working in Science

Berlin Science Week
Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH
Katharina Mikulcak
Kochstrasse 6-7
10969 Berlin

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