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Competition Finale “AI and Sustainability”

High Art Bureau gmbh, te.ma | Katy Gaffney

Winning contribution of "HiddenAI" competition to identify the advantages and chances of using AI today

Where are AI applications already being used unnoticed in everyday life and practice today? In which cases are the functionalities of algorithms indistinct? What are the possible dangers for users and those affected by these applications? And what social, economic, or ecological consequences can be proven or expected from Hidden AI? With the competition “AI and Sustainability”, we aim to address the hidden applications and functionalities of AI.

The winning contribution will be presented at the Speakers’ Corner at Berlin Science Week on November 3, 2023.


This event will take place as part of the Berlin Science Week CAMPUS. Admission is free.

Information about the physical accessibility of the Museum für Naturkunde can be found here.

About the Venue
Invalidenstraße 43
Berlin, Berlin 10115 Germany

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