Our core belief is that high quality science is for everyone, transcending barriers and igniting the spirit of discovery. We cherish inter- and transdisciplinarity, actively seeking topics that are socially relevant and beyond traditional “hard” science. We encourage daring ventures beyond the conventional, breathing new life into scientific exploration.

We understand science in broad terms. We welcome contributions from all fields of research, including social sciences and the humanities.

We only accept formats based on thorough and verifiable research.

We emphasise creating lively and engaging events, reshaping the narrative of science to be fresh and inclusive. Our diverse audience reflects the richness of our programme, designed to cater to people who are curious and keen to participate in important discussions of our time, or simply crave intelligent entertainment.

Moreover, our commitment extends to diversity, inclusion, and sustainability. We are creating a vibrant and equitable space where diverse voices and ideas flourish, while fostering scientific excellence.

  • Our aim is to foster open dialogue and exchange. We welcome the exchange of contradicting ideas, as long as this is done in a respectful, non-conflictual manner.
  • While discussions about politics and social trends are welcome, we do not accept events aimed specifically at spreading political propaganda.
  • We tolerate no discrimination or hate speech. We accept no homophobia, transphobia, ageism, ableism, sexism, racism, antisemitism, or anti-islamism.

If your organisation shares these principles, become a part of Berlin Science Week, and join us in redefining the boundaries of science, inspiring a deeper connection between science and society. We reserve the right to reject events which do not adhere to our Guiding Principles.

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