Is heaven blue or green, or even both? Can blue hydrogen and CCUS solve Germany's Energy Trilema?
Researching and developing methods for carbon dioxide reduction, removal, utilization and avoidance, and Low Carbon Energy systems are necessary for the green transition.
In February, the EU Commission unveiled its groundbreaking Industrial Carbon Management Strategy (ICMS), a pivotal step towards industry-wide decarbonization and achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 across Europe. Germany`s lawmakers are in preparation to change its CO2 storage law, to facilitate gas transport and is eyeing carbon capture in industry and the power sector while taking steps to become an emission-net-zero country after 2050.
Research and innovation on Low Carbon Energy and CCUS technologies and methodologies are therefore crucial important to reach net-zero. How do the economic, environmental, and technological aspects of blue hydrogen and green hydrogen compare, how to implement an efficient CCUS value chain in Germany and cross boarder, and what are the implications for the future of sustainable energy policies?
- The session aims at investigating questions like:
May blue hydrogen and CCUS solve Germany`s Energy trilemma? - May blue Hydrogen beside Green Hydrogen be an business opportunity rather a threat for Germany`s future energy eco system?
- What are the challenges in developing and integrating infrastructure of an entire value chain for hydrogen production, storage, and transportation for both blue and green hydrogen?
- How do advancements in renewable energy storage and grid integration affect the feasibility of green hydrogenHow should governments balance support for blue and green hydrogen to promote a transition to sustainable energy?
By exploring these aspects, the discussion can delve into the complexities and trade-offs involved in adopting blue versus green hydrogen, and how these decisions can shape the future of sustainable energy on a global scale.
Format & Audience Engagement:
The two-hour event will include 4 invited keynote speeches, followed by a moderated panel discussion and interaction with the audience. The following reception with drinks and snacks will offer the opportunity for further discussions. Participants are Dr. Arnd Heumann, Strategist by The German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ (tbd); Nils Røkke, Executive Vice President Sustainability in SINTEF; Michael Kern, Managing Director German-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce and Vichy Duscha, Cluster- and Networkmanagement, Cluster Decarbonisation of Industry. Moderators: Dr. Erik F. Øverland, Special Envoy for Education and Research, Norwegian Embassy in Berlin and Klaus Tobias Mosbacher, Executive Director, ECCSEL ERIC.
Diversity, Sustainability & Accessibilty:
The event will take place in the Felleshus of the Nordic Embassies in Berlin and is open to the public free of charge. The event is a cooperation between the European Research Infrastructure for CO2 Capture, Utilisation, Transport and Storage (CCUS) ECCSEL ERIC and the Norwegian Embassy in Berlin. It will be announced through the communication channels of the Norwegian Embassy, the ECCSEL and the respective networks by the scientific contributors.
- Registration requested until 05 November (see button).
- Unregistered guests will not have access to the event.
- Please bring a valid Photo ID.
- Wheelchair accessible.
- Registration requested until 05 November (see button).
- Unregistered guests will not have access to the event.
- Please bring a valid Photo ID.
- Wheelchair accessible.