David Enon
David Énon is a freelance designer, graduated from ENSCI Paris (École Nationale Supérieure de Création Industrielle). He lives and works in Paris.
His design practice combines commissioned projects, research and teaching. He is published by Tools Galerie in Paris and Galerie MICA in Rennes. He is part of the FNAC (Fond National d'Art Contemporain) collection for 2011 and 2019. His work questions the modes of production of material forms in our environment. He is currently working on the production of objects and furniture made from artificial reefs, a project for which he has received a research grant from Cnap (Centre national des arts plastiques). He has published La Vie Matérielle Mode D'Emploi, a book designed to help us take back control of our material environment in 2021 and Ce Que Disent Les Pierres, a collective fiction that examines the transitional state of the post-disaster landscape.
He teaches at the ENSAD - Nancy – France (school of Art and Design).