© Bonu Azizova
1 November 2024 | 09:00 - 16:30

Climate Resilience in Central Asia - Tradition meets Innovation

Technische Universität Berlin, Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development

Can old wisdom and modern innovation unite to solve Central Asia's climate challenges? Join us at the one-day hybrid symposium to find out!

Join us for an immersive, one-day symposium that brings together experts, policymakers, and innovators to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities for climate resilience in Central Asia. The event will explore how traditional knowledge systems can be harmonized with modern technological advancements to address climate change.

What to Expect:

  • Opening Remarks: Kick off the day with an introduction, setting the stage for insightful discussions on bridging tradition and innovation for climate resilience in Central Asia.
  • Session 1: Transboundary Climate Cooperation in Central Asia: Gain insights from experts like Nafisa Mirzojamshedzoda and Dilfuza Yuldasheva on how climate change affects water and land use across borders, followed by a brief Q&A.
  • Session 2: Climate Change Impacts on Indoor Environments: Explore energy efficiency and the potential of traditional architecture for passive cooling with Marcel Marx and Dr. Dinara Nazarova, focusing on how Central Asian homes can adapt to climate challenges.
  • Session 3: Low-Carbon Architecture and Traditional Design in Central Asia: Dr. Bonu Azizova and Dr. Saidislomkhon Usmonov will present innovative ways to combine traditional Uzbek designs with low-carbon technologies.
  • Panel Discussion: Finding mitigation and adaptation methods to impacts of climate change in Central Asia
    Engage in a dynamic discussion with experts Prof. Dip. Ing. Eike Roswag-Klinge, Prof. Dr. Martin Welp and Prof. Dr. Markus Jahreis as they explore how to integrate traditional knowledge with modern climate science. The panel will focus on innovative strategies for regional climate adaptation and sustainable solutions for Central Asia.
  • Closing Remarks: Wrap up the day with key takeaways and future directions for advancing low-carbon housing and regional cooperation.

Why Attend?

This symposium offers a unique platform to explore cutting-edge strategies for climate resilience in Central Asia. By attending, you'll:

  • Learn from Experts: Hear from leading professionals on the latest research and real-world applications in climate science, architecture, and sustainable development.
  • Engage in Regional Discussions: Understand how Central Asian nations are working together to address shared climate challenges, from water and land use to energy efficiency.
  • Explore Innovative Solutions: Dive into the world of low-carbon architecture, where traditional designs meet modern technology for a sustainable future.
  • Collaborate and Network: Connect with experts, policymakers, and fellow attendees, fostering dialogue and partnerships for future research and solutions.

If you're passionate about climate resilience, this symposium will provide you with valuable knowledge and networking opportunities to make a real impact.

Online Participation: You can follow the event online here.

Fr., 11/01/2024 - 09:00 Fr., 11/01/2024 - 16:30

Zurück zur Übersicht

  • Hybrid Event.
  • No registration required.
  • Wheelchair accessible.
  • Online Participation available here.
  • The event takes place in room A 201A, ifA, TU Berlin (Charlottenburg).

Event Location

Technische Universität Berlin, Institut für Architektur
17. Juni Str. 152
10623 Berlin