Data for Survival: Confronting the Climate Crisis
PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE FROM MOOS Space to HERMAN Belgian Bar, Schönhauser Allee 173, 10119 Berlin
FORUM is a live panel discussion which is linking:debate across Activism, Citizenship, Climate, Health, Human Rights, Scholarship with the interwoven presence of Technology.
This evening's panel is moderated by Stephanie Hankey (Executive Director and co-founder of Tactical Tech), joined by speakers Aurel von Richthofen, Felipe Schmidt Fonseca, Lina Sophie Pfeiffer, Sybille Neumeyer.
Are you concerned about the intersecting global catastrophes arising from climate-related upheaval and how policy can and should transcend profit motives and prioritise the common good?
The following are initial prompts for our discussion, which will be expanded upon during the debate.
- Is it conceivable for policy decisions to genuinely reflect broader societal concerns from a near future perspective?
- Within the climate crisis are additional complexities of lumbering health infrastructures, immigration dynamics, social integration and the high pressures on urban centres?
- What are the possibilities and limitations of policymaking in navigating these critical junctures?
- Are the contributions from citizen-science and critical contributions from the arts and culture being considered by policymakers?
Join us in exploring the intersecting realms of health, migration and politics in the pursuit of tackling climate change. How data and technology utilised correctly could help navigate these issues. Among the highlights, the debate seeks to discuss the challenges coming from climate-induced migration (human and non-human) and the associated climate health changes, the impact on cities and the strain on existing infrastructure. Foregrounding the utilisation of cross-sectional datasets and involving post-disciplinary agents are essential to anticipate the challenges ahead.
FORUM founders Deborah Causton and Vanessa Ramos-Velasquez host the event.
This event marks the conclusion of the FORUM autumn 2024 season. Our program is designed to highlight the inter-, trans- and post-disciplinary dimensions of various topics. This constructive debate, organised within the framework of Berlin Science Week, aims to illuminate the multiple junctures through which we can approach and address the climate crisis.
FORUM's unique format includes the audience into the conversation by offering 45-60 minutes for Q&A, after the initial 45-60minute moderated discussion with the panellists.
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- 40 seats available. Doors open at 18:00. Arrive early to guarantee seating.
- Registration is closed as of 5.11, after reaching maximum venue capacity.
- Wheelchair accessible.
- Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available.
- 40 seats available. Doors open at 18:00. Arrive early to guarantee seating.
- Registration is closed as of 5.11, after reaching maximum venue capacity.
- Wheelchair accessible.
- Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available.