Freie Universitat Berlin / IKSK - Institut für Körperforschung und sexuelle Kultur
Tobias Wieland
- Berlin Science Week
Dr Tobias Wieland (he/him) holds a postdoctoral position as research coordinator for the interdisciplinary research project “Normativity, Critique, Change” at Freie Universitat Berlin. His PhD examines Hegel’s doctrine of the Absolute as a Critical Theory of social change and cultural plurality. His second book proposes a Critical Theory of the Erotic, challenging the neglect of bodily and erotic dimensions in Critical Theory. In addition, he engages in the transdisciplinary discourse on sexuality & curates the Philosophical Colloquium at the IKSK - Institut für Körperforschung und sexuelle Kultur which provides a space where theory, artistic research, & pleasure activism can intersect & disseminate within & beyond academia.