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Theresa Schubert

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Artist/ Performer

In an aesthetic between alchemy and science fiction, Theresa Schubert’s multiple award-winning works question anthropocentrism and enable alternative visions and/or new sensory experiences. She creates techno-organic installations but also argues for animal ethics and transspecies encounters.

Dr. Theresa Schubert is a Berlin-based artist, researcher and curator exploring unconventional visions of nature, technology and the self. She holds a PhD in Media Art from Bauhaus-University Weimar. Her practice combines audiovisual and hybrid media to conceptual and immersive installations or performances. That includes organic matter and living organisms, algorithms and artificial intelligence becoming part of the artwork not just as material but meaningful co-creators. Further, she works with immersive video environments and 3D Laser Scanning to challenge modes of perception and question the human-machine relationship in hypertech societies where the nature-culture divide seems to dissolve in the digital realm.

Her work has been awarded with the Award of Excellence at the Japan Media Arts Festival 2022 (Art Division), a Prix Ars Electronica Honorary Mention (AI & Life Art 2021), a STARTS Prize 2021 Honorary Mention, the NTAA (New Technological Art Award) 2016. She is a Longlist for the Lumen Interactive Art Award 2022, Longlist Aesthetica Art Award 2023 and has been nominated for the GASAG Kunstpreis by Berlinische Galerie 2016 and 2018. She has been awarded with a S+T+ARTS Residency (2019 and 2022) funded by the European Commission and was artist-in-resident at the Group of Applied and Molecular Microbiology at TU Berlin (2018-20).

Schubert’s work has been exhibited internationally. Venues include: Ars Electronica, Linz, Art Laboratory Berlin, BOZAR Brussels, KW Institute for Contemporary Art Berlin, Newcastle Region Art Gallery, Electro Fringe Festival Australia, Futurium Berlin, Istanbul Biennial, European Media Art Festival, Kapelica Gallery, Museum Villa Rot, MMOMA Moscow, Museum of Contemporary Art Perm, and Zebrastraat Gent.

She is appointed Visiting Researcher at the Visual Identities in Art and Design Research Centre at the University of Johannesburg researching on bioart as a (post-)colonial practice and connecting to a newly established bioart stream in South Africa. In WS 2018-19 she was Guest Professor for Media Environments at the Bauhaus-University. She is the co-publisher of „Experiencing the Unconventional. Science in Art“ and curated „Stories for a more-than-human-world“ (2018), „Inoculum – Connecting the Other“ (2016) and co-curated Shared Habitats / Bauhaus 100 at Ars Electronica 2019. Theresa Schubert is a member of the Berlin female artist network SALOON, medienkunstverein Berlin, and a former member of pilote and qujochÖ.