Dr. Flavia Miranda stands in a forest, during a field trip

State University of Santa Cruz (UESC) and Tamanduá Institute for Research and Conservation

Flávia Miranda

Dr. Flávia Miranda holds a Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Minas Gerais, a master’s degree in Ecology from the University of São Paulo (USP), and a bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Medicine. She was the first veterinarian to study anteaters in the wild, the first to develop health treatments for them in Brazil, and the pioneer of an anteater conservation project, becoming a global reference for the species. Today, Dr. Miranda is a professor at the State University of Santa Cruz and coordinates the Tamandua Institute for Conservation and Research, a NGO specialized in Xenarthrans (the group that includes anteaters, armadillos, and sloths). She is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and has authored books, hundreds of scientific papers, technical reports, popular articles, and policy briefings on conservation. In 2023, she was recognized as one of the 51 global leaders in animal conservation nominated for the Indianapolis Prize.