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Eric Medine

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Speaker

Eric Medine is a Berlin-based artist and creative director with more than ten years of experience in industries as diverse as automotive, entertainment, fintech, restaurant, beauty, medtech, and gaming. 

He loves to build immense, immersive interactive environments and weirdo graphic novels about atomic witches, millipede squids, and ridiculously proportioned genitalia.

He has shown work in galleries and museums such as the Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions), xm:lab and the KuustlerHaus in Germany, the Chicago Motion Graphics Festival, Fête de la Lumière in France, and the LPM festival in Rome and Mexico City.

As a VJ and live visuals engineer he's worked with performers such as Major Lazer, Meat Beat Manifesto, the Orb, Infected Mushroom, Excision, Wet Mango, Trash 80, Dan Wilcox, MegaRan, and Grammatik.

Most recently he ran a workshop at the Generate Festival in Germany on creating room-scale LED environments powered by the Unity game engine.

He received his BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and his Masters degree at the Otis School of Art and Design in Los Angeles, California.

Currently he is the co-founder and co-curator of AVJamBerlin, a monthly platform for live music and visual performance, an evening for exploring and sharing immersive audiovisual experiences. Each event hosts a diverse group of performers showcasing audio synthesis, procedural, audio-reactive, analogue, and generative works.

You can reach him at