Portrait of Prof. Freya Blekman
© Bram Belloni

DESY & University of Hamburg

Freya Blekman

  • Berlin Science Week

Freya Blekman is a lead scientist at the German physics laboratory DESY and a Helmholtz Distinguished Professor of Physics at the University of Hamburg. She holds additional chairs as guest professor at Oxford University and Vrije Universiteit Brussel. She works as a particle physicist at CERN, focusing on the use of data from the Large Hadron Collider, collected with the enormous Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment, to examine undiscovered physics processes and search for new particles. 

She has led many large international research teams at CERN and CMS, the most prominent probably the start of the physics outreach activities of the CMS Collaboration as the first Physics Communications Officer, and as the first convener of the Beyond-Two-Generations (B2G) physics group, a dedicated physics analysis group focusing on using heavy quarks and W/Z/H bosons to search for new particles.

Blekman is an experienced science communicator who has won many prizes for her science and also for science communication. She regularly appears in various media, is multilingual, and is very active on social media with content aimed at the technically inclined public.