Who can submit an event for Berlin Science Week?

We are open to proposals from a variety of backgrounds, institutions, and individuals. As long as the proposal is based on verifiable research and is in line with our Guiding Principles, we are happy to receive your event submission – whether you are an established institution, a small independent project, a start-up, a scientific or artistic collective, a public body, or a company. Our platform is meant to promote science and to help you gain visibility. 

What topics are you looking for?

We are looking for any topic that reflects the state of scientific research today. We are also looking for projects which deal with issues that affect research and scientific pursuits – such as discussions on the conditions of academia, societal trends that impact research, the production of knowledge, and many more. If you are unsure about your proposal, drop us an e-mail – we’re always happy to advise! 

How many proposals can I submit?

You can submit two proposals directly through our registration link. If you would like to submit more than that, please get in touch with us in advance. 

Do you accept contributions from the social sciences or the humanities?

Absolutely! We understand research and science in broad terms, and are always happy to receive formats from a multitude of fields. As long as your project is based on sound scientific/academic research, we are happy to receive it.   

In which language does my event need to be? And in which language can I submit my proposal?

We are open to events in both English and German. When choosing the language of your event, please consider the audience that you want to reach. Are you hoping to attract a more international audience? Then English is the way to go. Are you focusing on Berlin-based participants? Then German might be a better option – although it is worth keeping in mind that the Berlin scientific community is also very international. 

Please submit your proposal in the language the event will take place in.  

Do I have to provide free access to my event?

We ask the participating organisations to ensure that access to the event is as low-threshold as possible. If you require advance registration, please make sure that you use a platform that is easily accessible for everybody.  

Do you provide any financial support for the organisation of the independent events?

If you wish to organise an independent event, please keep in mind that you are fully responsible for financing, planning, and implementing the event. Berlin Science Week does not provide financial support for the organisation of events.  

We are, however, very happy to advise on the organisation of the event, help you connect to peers and relevant institutions, and help you promote your event. As part of the Independent Programme, you will receive a comprehensive marketing package, which includes digital resources, posters, Berlin Science Week Magazines, and stickers. Additionally, you benefit from the large exposure that the festival enjoys in the city. 


What do you understand under this year’s motto “Common Ground” and how does it relate to the two Festival Hubs?

This year’s thematic focus of our two festival hubs is “Common Ground”. Amidst a significant election year and growing concerns over misinformation and polarization, we encourage participants to step out of their echo chambers, question personal beliefs, and embrace new perspectives.

We invite you to craft events that challenge assumptions, biases, and (mis)perceptions shaping public opinion, reminding us of the urgent need to reconnect with the empirical backbone that science provides. Additionally, we welcome topics shedding light on overlooked areas in scientific pursuits, where limited viewpoints hinder comprehensive understanding.

Our goal is to foster reflective conversations, deepen appreciation for diverging perspectives, and establish common ground for constructive discourse. Let’s come together to celebrate the pivotal role of science in shaping a collaborative and informed society.

Partners organising events in the CAMPUS should think about how their proposed topic can best relate to our motto, and how it can contribute to an enriching and complex experience for our audiences.

In the Science & Culture FORUM, the motto primarily serves as the framework for our Invited Programme (more information below). Organisations planning a Partner Event in the FORUM are nevertheless warmly encouraged to take inspiration from our theme.

What is the difference between an event in the Science & Culture FORUM and one in the CAMPUS?

Both locations are wonderful opportunities to present your event in an established venue, in front of a large given audience. They both offer the advantage of integrating your event into an already existing network, offering it high visibility, and ensuring that it gets maximum exposure. The two locations differ, however, in the make-up of the audiences, and the configurations available for your event. 

The CAMPUS in the Museum for Natural History Berlin brings together around 10,000 visitors over the two days. It offers an eclectic mix of age groups, backgrounds, and nationalities, including families and younger audiences (especially in the mornings), students and professionals, and a large international contingent, due to the building’s character as a tourist attraction. It is a great location for outreach formats that aim to engage with as many and as diverse audiences as possible. The available events have a maximum duration of 90 minutes, and the exhibition stands can be booked for 2 days. 

In our Science & Culture FORUM, we offer the possibility for half, full, or even two-day events, and more options for individual event configuration. The Holzmarkt 25 audience is mixed and international, but consists primarily of artistically-inclined, alternative crowds, typical of the Berlin cultural scene. These groups are complemented by the Berlin Science Week typical audiences of professionals and interested public. The main stage of the FORUM can accommodate up to 500 guests, offer opportunities for catering and additional networking formats, and is best suited to network-oriented events, such as conferences or congresses.

Please have a look at our Exposé for available formats and prices. 

Does my event have to be free?

We require all organisers of CAMPUS events to ensure free access to their formats. The individual CAMPUS events will be part of a rich 2-day programme, meant to facilitate easy access to numerous open stages and formats. Visitors to the museum pay a 5 Euro reduced ticket that grants full access to CAMPUS Programme and museum exhibition. If your event requires registration in advance, please get in touch with us separately.  

Partner events organised in the Science & Culture FORUM can be ticketed or invitation-only. If you choose to restrict the access to your event, you are responsible for setting up the registration or ticketing and managing the guests. 


What would you like to accomplish with the Invited Programme at the FORUM?

At the FORUM we wish to present scientific research at the intersection of art and culture, igniting inspiring knowledge exchange. The Holzmarkt 25 offers a unique setting for immersive science exploration and vibrant dialogue. We aim to redefine how we perceive science, attracting new audiences and enriching societal understanding. 

Keeping this in mind, we’re excited to curate a rich 2-day agenda for 9 – 10 November 24. Embracing this year’s theme of “Common Ground”, our wish is to offer a programme filled with both brilliance and profound experiences for our attendees. 

Who can apply for the Invited Programme?

We are looking for outstanding formats from scientists, artists, science communicators and inspiring others. We are interested in fresh transdisciplinary perspectives that bridge the worlds of science and art and aim to contribute to the public understanding of science.  

We attach great importance to a high level of scientific expertise and/or artistic appeal. Ideally, you should be able to provide references of your work from the past two years with your application. 

What kind of events and formats are you interested in?

  1. We are looking for individuals and projects at the intersection of art and science that inspire fresh transdisciplinary perspectives and contribute to the public understanding of science. 
  1. The submission must have a clear connection to this year’s theme “Common Ground”. Please check the questions above for more information on our theme. 
  1. We welcome a variety of formats, but they should align with the available setting of Holzmarkt 25. We’ll carefully assess your proposal to see how we can accommodate it and how it fits into the unique venue of Holzmarkt 25.  
  1. We prioritise proposals  that would benefit from being integrated into our programme. 
  • We prioritize proposals that have not been previously showcased in Berlin, ensuring a fresh and unique experience for our audience. 

Can the same project also apply for the Invited and the Partner/Independent Programme, in case we are not selected?

All our registrations close on 31 July 24. It is not possible to apply with the same format to both our invited and independent/partner programme. 

We would like to stress that in our Invited Programme we are looking for proposals who are eager to become part of our Science & Culture FORUM. Please check all questions if you are unsure what this encompasses or write us an e-mail if you are unsure where to place your idea. 

  • Combine artistic and scientific approaches and perspectives in one format 
  • Contribute significantly to this year’s thematic focus, “Common Ground” (more information below) 
  • Profit from the unique atmosphere and blend of people of our location, Holzmarkt 25 
  • Can be implemented within the logic of the festival, in the available spaces and time slots 

If your proposed event can also be organised independently, then we ask you to consider which of the two options best suits your format, and only apply for one.  

What are the possible formats, and what is their duration?

A variety of formats are welcome, including those which go beyond conventional formats. However, when applying please opt for one of our main categories. Please note that applications for art exhibitions and fixed installations cannot, unfortunately, be accommodated.  

  • Talks & Debates | e.g. lightning talk, interview, moderated debate | 30-60 minutes Stage Time  
  • Performances & Staged Works | e.g. live performances, concerts or readings | 30-90 minutes Stage Time Spreelunke | Spreelunke | (can be repeated) 
  • Workshops, Interaction, Meet-Ups |e.g. speculative design workshop, games, expert dates | 60-120 Minutes Stage Time
  • Film Screenings & Sound Scapes | 30-120 minutes Stage Time
  • Outdoor Activities & Off-Stage Interventions | e.g. campfire chats, field trips, speakers’ corner | no time restrictions 

Can you provide more details on the individual available stages?

  • Säälchen | Holzmarkt Stage | Standard Set-Up: Sound System, Beamer, Projection Surface, Professional Lighting, Variable Stage Size | 350 sqm, 8,5 m high, up to 240 people seated/600 people standing, 100sqm balcony available. 
  • Salöön | Lounge | Standard Set-Up: Sound System, Beamer, Screen, Professional Lighting | 100sqm, up to 40 people seated/100 people standing 
  • Spreelunke | Standard Set-Up: Beamer/Screen, Lighting | 30 sqm, up to 35 people seated 
  • Outdoor Area | Standard Set-Up: Microphone, One-person portable stage, Light | by the water, by the campfire, in the marketplace, up to 50 people at a time 

Does my proposal have to refer to this year’s theme “Common Ground”?

The Science & Culture FORUM is run under the thematic focus “Common Ground”. Your proposal should have a clear connection to this motto. For more context, please take a look at the question above “What do you understand under this year’s motto “Common Ground” and how does it relate to the two Festival Hubs?”

What information do you require for the application?

We ask about the scientific component of your work, your artistic approach, the connection to this year’s theme, and a short statement on issues of inclusivity and accessibility. Apart from that, we are also interested in finding out the basic technical & logistical information about your event. 

Can I choose the time and space of the event at the FORUM?

During the submission of proposal, we set the focus on the format that you want to submit. For some formats, you can state a preference for one of the two available stages (see question above). The Berlin Science Week team will allocate the final times and spaces, once the selection of events has been made. Rest assured, we will find the best options that work for both you, and for the programme as a whole. 

How long can the contributions be? Are you flexible about the duration of the events?

Please check our exposé and the questions above for the standard duration for each of the formats. We are primarily looking for formats which fit the suggested duration. 

Do all people involved in the proposal need to be confirmed when we send off the application?


Will there be any technical or logistical support provided for selected contributors?

We provide logistical and technical support on site, during the 2 days. However, you handle the coordination of all logistical and technical aspects prior to the organisation of the event (such as ordering materials, transport to the location, accommodation and transport for collaborators, etc.).  

Are proposals accepted after the deadline?

No. We only accept proposals that meet our deadline, and that have been submitted through our application link. 

How will I know my proposal has been selected or denied?

We will inform you between 2 – 15 August.

How do you measure the artistic quality?

The individual submissions will be analysed by the Berlin Science Week Team, who bring a variety of experience and relevant qualifications, including backgrounds in the arts, cultural studies, and art & science festivals. 

We are looking for submissions that appeal to the audience on an emotional and aesthetic level, and are grounded in scientific research. A fresh/creative approach to the topic is also necessary. 

What are my responsibilities when my proposal gets selected? Will you help me with the planning and organisation?

No. You are responsible for your session.  

Once a proposal has been selected, you will become responsible for the coordination of the event alongside Berlin Science Week. This includes: 

  • Being the contact person for the Berlin Science Week team 
  • Providing us with information in accordance with our timeline (more information below) 
  • Creating the event page and people profiles on our website 
  • Coordinating the production and organisation of the event, including the coordination of all people involved in your event 
  • Ensuring that all event production and logistical aspects are taken care of – such as the production of materials for the event, transport and deliveries to the venue, insurances, legal obligations (clearing copyright issues, GEMA registration, etc.), as well as travel plans and accommodation (if applicable) 

However, if there are any problems or queries, we will be happy to help you with advice. 

What are my responsibilities if I submit a collaborative project that involves more than two people?

If you have more than two people involved in the realisation of the event, you are the contact person for the whole group. You are expected to communicate all relevant information to your team, and the Berlin Science Week Team.  

What is the timeline, once the registrations have closed?

The selection process for the longlisted projects will take place between 5 and 16 August. Between 19 – 23 August, we will get in touch with the longlisted projects to clear details and get a better understanding of the projects. Please note that we ask participants to be available for discussion in this interval. Selected projects will be announced on 2 September.  

Between 2 – 10 September, you will be expected to provide information about your event, which will be published in our programme. This includes 

  • an event description 
  • a cover image 
  • people profiles incl. image 

Starting on 15 September, we will begin the coordination of the event. 

Can you help with visa applications?

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to help with visa applications. In exceptional cases, we can provide a Letter of Invitation.  

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