© All text, images, video, and content copyright 2024 Eric Medine
9 November 2024 | 17:30 - 19:30

Language of Color and Hope: Live Demo and QA


Gamify your therapy and build your own psychic scaffolding with creative board games!

“Language of Color and Hope” is an art therapy project using generative light sculptures based on the first chapter of the book Language and Connection in Psychotherapy: Words Matter by Mary Davis, M.D.

It consists of a wood box that unfolds into successively colorful, interactive, and layered arrangements. This process relates to the process of building “psychic scaffolding” in a way that can be personalized for the individual user.  The form of the work also reflects the ways in which the therapeutic process moves from surface (manifest content) to deeper layers of meaning (latent content, unconscious underpinnings of the manifest and latent contents).

It can be played with during any kind of therapy session, either in-office or at-home, and an arrangement of magnets and light control settings allow the patient to revisit their thoughts and feelings at their leisure.

This webinar is a chance to meet the creators and ask questions!

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