Portrait of Christiane Sauer
© Matters of Activity

Matters of Activity / weißensee school of art and design

Christiane Sauer

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Speaker

Christiane Sauer is an architect and since 2013 Professor for Material Design at weißensee school of art and design berlin. Her focus lies on developing and designing innovative material systems for the architectural context based on textile structures, active materials and functional surfaces. In 2018 she co-founded the research facility DXM - Design Experiment Material, since 2017 she is appointed Prorector for Networks and Knowledge Transfer.
In her work she bridges experimental research and design practice. Amongst others she has been teaching at SCI-Arc, Los Angeles and at Cornell University, NY. As an architect she worked for international firms like OMA Rotterdam and founded formade – studio for material and architecture. She is internationally engaged as a lecturer, guest critic and author.