Portrait of Robertina Sebjanic
© Robertina Sebjanic

Robertina Šebjanič

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Artist/ Performer

Robertina Šebjanič, is an artist whose work explores the biological, geo-political and cultural realities of aquatic environments and the impact of humanity on other organisms. In her analysis of the Anthropocene and its theoretical framework, the artist uses the terms “aquatocene” and “aquaforming” to refer to the human impact on aquatic environments.

Her work received awards/ honorary mentions at Prix Ars Electronica, Starts Prize, Falling Walls., Re:humansm a.o..

She exhibited / performed at solo and group exhibitions as well as in galleries and festivals, bienalles, trienales / museums around the globe (selection): ZKM (Karlsruhe), CCCB - City and Science Biennial (Barcelona), ISEA2024 (Brisbane), Gallery Cukrarna (Ljubljana), Matadero (Madrid), WRO Bienalle (Wroclaw), Ars Electronica (Linz), Tribeca Immersive - Mercer lab (New York), KIKK festival (Namur), The Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg (MK&G), Contemporary Art Museum of Istria (Pula), Sea Art Festival (Busan), Watermans Arts Centre (London), Akbank Sanat (istanbul),  etc.

She lectures / talked / presented her works at events/venues (selection): Ocean Space - TBA21 (Venice), Stanford University (Palo Alto), UCLA- ArtiSci Center  (Los Angeles), UNAM - The National Autonomous University of Mexico  (Mexico City), ISEA2023 (Paris), Mare Conference (Amsterdam), Kikk Festival (Namur), ITMO University (St. Petersburg), Aalborg University (Aalborg), School of Arts - University of Nova Gorica (Nova Gorica), Re:publica (Berlin) a.o.