Pedro Jaureguiberry

Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET-UNC)

Pedro Jaureguiberry

I’m Pedro Jaureguiberry, based at the Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal in Córdoba, Argentina. While my primary research focus is fire ecology, I have also participated in large-scale interdisciplinary projects including the IPBES Global Assessment Report. Alongside a brilliant team of colleagues there, we conducted a global synthesis on the hierarchy of direct drivers of biodiversity loss, advancing the scope and rigor of previous knowledge. The culmination of our work was the publication of a high-impact paper, which we are presenting at the Frontiers Planet Prize 2024. Our study brings novel content and methodology insights, opening avenues for ongoing and future collaborations for generating much-needed knowledge to address the current global environmental crisis.