Photo of Tamanna Manjur Ahamad
© Tamanna Manjur Ahamad

Cluster of Excellence UniSysCat

Tamanna Manjur Ahamad

  • Berlin Science Week
  • 2024
  • Speaker

Tamanna Manjur Ahamad is a second-year PhD student in Ingo Zebger's group at the Technical University of Berlin. She completed her master’s degree in physical chemistry at Banaras Hindu University in India, where she studied phase separation in intrinsically disordered proteins using fluorescence spectroscopy. This work sparked her passion for biophysical chemistry and in particular advanced spectroscopy. Her current research focuses on understanding the structure and function of metalloenzymes involved in hydrogen splitting and carbon dioxide reduction, with an emphasis on vibrational spectroscopic techniques. Get ready to dive into the captivating world of laser-based spectroscopy and ancient metalloenzymes.